Current Research Projects

Transhumanism and Religion

While transhumanism is a secular movement, many contemporary scholars argue that it is fundamentally religious in nature. They point to transhumanist desires to achieve immortality, to create superintelligent AI, and to live in a digital world as mirroring themes in Christian Eschatology. These crossovers are the focus of Seth’s dissertation research.

He also helped design a course on transhumanism, used at Drake University.


DIGETHIX creates conversations around ethics and technology. We interview academic and industry experts to create case studies for public discussion on topics like privacy, research practices, disparities in healthcare, cryptography, and more.

Computational Humanities

Seth is an interdisciplinary researcher, who draws on a variety of areas. He helped to find faculty members at Boston Unversity who were doing the same and to help coordinate a Spring speaker series for students wishing to learn how to do the same.

You can find the website at